Tag Archives: youth

Born for Porn?

Looking at the children and youth of this world, we see our own creation. We see the custody we keep, the legacy we leave behind; we see where ‘value’ is placed and what is perceived as ‘worthwhile’ by the modern human being.

We see that in the current money-system children are products, assets of profit, and “if we are going to spend on them, they better learn something that brings money in”. How about pole dancing? I read an article that shares the story of children as young as three taken by their parents to learn pole dancing.

The value of life is replaced by the value of profit/’pro-fit’, the value of ‘power’; and ‘power’ as defined in the current system is: sex, status, being desirable by ‘becoming the pictures’ that the system shows to us in magazines, movies, TV.

In an equality system we wanna place the value of life as starting point and work towards equality of life in living-application. That includes self-acceptance, self-worth, self-respect.

An equal money system would remove profit, debt, ideas of ‘status’ and thus ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ – and would give to everybody equal wealth, equal power and thus equal opportunity to live in dignity, because the value of life is life.

Then, perhaps, man has a chance to-be kind and mankind may transcend the accepted ‘human nature’ that is based in separation, fear, greed, and the desire for (fake) ‘power’, the desire to be ‘more than’ life.

An equal money system will support mankind in our process of self-honesty and self-realization and will assist in the shedding of delusions of grandeur. Then children can be children again, on a planet that is truly a Home, where every being born has a dignified life as given and the freedom to live and express.