Tag Archives: transcendence

Debunking the Fallacy of Oneness in a world of false Prophets/Profits

 Till the bitter end we try and hold together the illusion of  “me” and “my life”,  “my reality”, in a desperate attempt to ignore how the world around us is falling apart. This is the “Oneness” I see in this world.

Which is why is it as crucial to debunk the fallacy of Oneness as promulgated in this world and investigate what it is we are giving permission for when we blissfully accept and buy into the “beautiful promises” of the human spirit.

One of the many examples of how the “light blinds” is the following:

 “We Are All One. This is the only message that matters. It is the only message there is. Everything else in Life is a reflection of this message. Everything else sends it.”

– Neale Donald Walsch


War is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Rape is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Greed is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Jealousy is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Pollution is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Exploitation is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Starvation is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Poverty is a reflection of the message that we are All One?

Our World-System/Money-System is a reflection of the message that we are All One?


If we are All One and this is world is a reflection of our Oneness – then clearly there is a problem with our Oneness.

Where is our Dignity?

Where is our Respect?

Where is our Regard for Life?


What have we missed, that we in our Oneness have created a monster of existence that CONSUMES itself?

In this monster of existence – the CON:iS:U:ME.

We are missing the realization that this existence – you and me have created; in the image and likeness of ourselves, created through ‘who we are’ and how we co-exist.


Look at this world: Is this who we really are?

And if the answer is No, then How do we stop, How do we re-create this world in our image and likeness in a way that no abuse, no separation, no exploitation of Life is accepted or allowed?

What is the missing link? Could it be you & me right here, all the while we’ve been looking ‘out there’ …?


What does Oneness practically imply?

Oneness by definition implies Equality.

Without Equality, Oneness is deception – it is an empty word filled with promises and make-belief ideas just to make us ‘feel better’ while we in fact deny responsibility for the world as we know it.

The problem of our Oneness is reflected clearly within the mechanics of our World System: the Money-System.

Money is the creation of the Human, and without taking responsibility for what we have created, aborted, accepted, allowed and how we practically apply our Oneness (which is currently applied through the world money system wherein Money is the God that decides who lives and who dies) – there can be no solution that takes into consideration All and Every Body Here on Earth.

Money is the one thing that determines every life, from Birth to Death – whether one have it or not. The Money-System in our current Oneness is a bipolar monster-creation reflecting the ‘dark side’ of man – and so man created the ‘light’ to hide from its darkness and pretend that ‘everything is okay’ and if it’s not then ‘hell, who I am to do anything about it’!

Money is the one thing that touches every life, it is the result of our creation – and thus the best starting-point, the best tool to utilize in creating a new world of actual life support, a new system of actual and equal support for all.


Our Oneness is currently but a mental ‘scenario’, a projected utopia, a dream, a new-age concept that ignores the actuality of reality and the fact that half the world is in PAIN while we have both the resources and the food to provide for ALL equally.

Our Oneness is currently existing only as Bubbles of One, while each one of us human beings hide and ‘protect’ themselves within self-created alternate-reality bubbles, created in the mind through the mind as the mind, wherein each one is the centre of existence and acts like there is nothing and no one else.

Our current Oneness is a reflection of our self-interest, fear, greed, separation. And Neale Donald Walsch claims that “nothing else matters”?!?

What matters is the matter of fact, here, the matter at hand, the world we face day in day out everywhere in every moment.

The truth of ourselves is here. It is in the news, it is in the neighbour’s back yard, it is where no one dares to look, hell it is in our families and the thoughts we speak to ourself when no one is listening.

We think we can get away with it. We think we can paint a beautiful picture of ourselves and this world and find others to agree with us and buy the lie.

Each one creates their own religion in the mind, and yes, here and there some people get together and encapsulate themselves in a somewhat bigger bubble and call it religion, or cult, or spiritual.

But no spiritual, religious or new-age individual or group has ever thus far PRACTICALLY taken the WHOLE WORLD into consideration and investigated ACTUAL SOLUTIONS that would create an ACTUAL ONENESS – a Oneness that will be a Home to All, a Oneness where no body needs to suffer, a Oneness that is based in the value of LIFE as the highest good, as that which we all share just like the air we breathe.

That solution is EQUALITY.

Dare to investigate – Dare to Care.



“Life is the Natural Resource that each have equally. With Equal Money, value is placed in Life, Equally. This makes Equal Money the only true Resource-based Economic Model.

Protect the only real human right – The right to Life equally. Investigate Equal Money – It will blow your EGO.”

– Bernard Poolman


‘Money’ the perfect tool for Enslavement | The veils that protect the Elite Few thin out

‘Money’ the perfect tool for Enslavement – English pravda.ru

READ THIS! (click link above) I just read this article by Brian Jonathan Liew and it’s not the first time recently that, while reading the news or a blog or article, I notice the thinning-out of the veils as layers of beliefs we’ve been indoctrinated to entertain – the veils through which we have been sustaining and protecting the status quo and the Elite Few that rule the world in the fashion of ‘divide & conquer’ using MONEY, a tool that has become GOD in this existence, the god that decides who lives and who dies.

It’s almost like, the Elite are the ‘core of the system’, in the heartless heart of it all, and all around it there’s layers of people, layers of protective veils: first there’s the bankers and the presidents and the high ranked officials and diplomats, then the soldiers and clerks and other pawns and then the ‘ordinary people’ like you and me and then at the very edge of ‘existence’ the ones starving, suffering, dying by the minute while they ‘help’ sustain the ‘balance’ of this bipolar, sorry dual system of Haves and Have-Nots that keeps the poor hoping for a better day and the not-so-poor ‘working’ for some self-glorification through status, more money, sex, ‘power’. What a fashion!


As the veils of consciousness get lifted – through self-honesty, common sense and the exposure of the Unacceptable we accept day-in day-out – the protective layers around the Elite, the blinkers that dictate to us how to perceive the world and what to mind and what to never-mind, are becoming thinner and thinner.

More and more the notion becomes louder that May Be there is another way; May Be there is something we have missed; May Be there is something we have not considered; May Be the answer is right in front of our Knows-es.


Dare to question the reality we have accepted!

Dare to understand the mechanics of our existence!

Dare to investigate what keeps the wheel turning and who/what is profiting!

Dare to ask the questions that will provide the answers we’ve been looking for!

Dare to Stop for a moment, Dare to Look, Dare to See, Dare to Hear!

Speek out, stand up, call things by their name so that more and more people start seeing things for what they including our responsibility within it all.

WE are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

The answer is HERE. Where have we been?!

Born for Porn?

Looking at the children and youth of this world, we see our own creation. We see the custody we keep, the legacy we leave behind; we see where ‘value’ is placed and what is perceived as ‘worthwhile’ by the modern human being.

We see that in the current money-system children are products, assets of profit, and “if we are going to spend on them, they better learn something that brings money in”. How about pole dancing? I read an article that shares the story of children as young as three taken by their parents to learn pole dancing.

The value of life is replaced by the value of profit/’pro-fit’, the value of ‘power’; and ‘power’ as defined in the current system is: sex, status, being desirable by ‘becoming the pictures’ that the system shows to us in magazines, movies, TV.

In an equality system we wanna place the value of life as starting point and work towards equality of life in living-application. That includes self-acceptance, self-worth, self-respect.

An equal money system would remove profit, debt, ideas of ‘status’ and thus ideas of ‘superiority’ and ‘inferiority’ – and would give to everybody equal wealth, equal power and thus equal opportunity to live in dignity, because the value of life is life.

Then, perhaps, man has a chance to-be kind and mankind may transcend the accepted ‘human nature’ that is based in separation, fear, greed, and the desire for (fake) ‘power’, the desire to be ‘more than’ life.

An equal money system will support mankind in our process of self-honesty and self-realization and will assist in the shedding of delusions of grandeur. Then children can be children again, on a planet that is truly a Home, where every being born has a dignified life as given and the freedom to live and express.