The SHIT is Everywhere – A glass of Milk is a Cocktail of up to 20 Chemicals

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk | Mail Online


A poisonous existence, the death process beginning at the moment of birth.

Nothing we do or say is ever really best for life – How can we expect existence to be so?

We may entertain ‘positive’ or ‘good’ thoughts every now and then to make ourselves ‘feel better’ in an attempt to place ourselves into the drawer labelled ‘good people’ – but what is that really worth if our words and deeds and all of our other thoughts are ‘expressions’ of fear, greed, desire, manipulation, self-interest.


20 chemicals in a glass of milk – the glowing white is rather dark, and so once again it is proven that “everything is in reverse” and what shines isn’t gold AT ALL.

AT ALL meaning: it affects all and everything that is here, and so do the pills you flush down your toilet, the litter you leave at the beach, the leaking petrol we pay for, the shit we shit and the shit we eat.

We are in fact heading towards the ultimate disaster as humanity, unless we do something about. And that is where most ‘fail’ because that is where pre-programmed beliefs, opinions and ideas pop-up AUTOMATICALLY to prove we are robots designed to give-up on life, to say “but what can I do?” because “I am only human”.


Granted, the current system is not supporting any actual education or self-expansion; it’s not supporting anything that would break the bounds of the box we exist within and as.

But again it is worthless to blame the system, it is worthless to moan and complain, because we KNOW: where there is a will there is a way. And there we have it, the actual core of the point: the ill will of man that is not kind. And the actual solution at the same time, equal and one: it is the WILL of man that must change, as Man(to-be)Kind, as Humanity, as who we are in this world and how we co-exist.


Granted, not only the world-system, but each one individually must change our ‘evil ways’ and start fActually caring for Life – not in ideas, ideals and ideology, but in actual fact, within how we live and who we are. Not an easy task, but the only way out of this poisonous box of existence we have created, accepted, allowed and keep tolerating because “oh poor us, what CAN we do!”

Each one must stand-up in self-responsibility, in self-realization as life, and sort out one’s own SHIT! For the first time on the history of Man(to-be)Kind, a group of people has come together that apply the principles of equality&oneness of life, self-honesty, self-will, self-correction – realizing that WE are the building blocks of the world, who we are within ourselves and how we co-exist within our relationships in the world: creates this world as we know it. The current money-system we accept and allow as if it is “how things are supposed to be” is a system that serves only a select few while it exploits life in every possible way. This must stop – and only the people can stop it. Not through fight, war or violence – but through re-education, understanding and self-empowerment in Equality. The value of Life is Life. This is the value that must lead and constitute our systems in the world, to support all life equally in all ways. We must learn to “do things out of understanding, not out of fear”.

Click the links to do your research and investigate the solutions we are able to live and become as ManKIND. After all, WE are the problem. THE SHIT IS EVERYWHERE. Time to Stop, Time for Insight, time for Change. Time for Self-Responsibility as self-willed Equals of Life.

ART by Ann van den Broeck

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