Fake messages, Libya & the need for (a NEW) Order

So fake messages led to the Libya war. Fine.

This does not mean the solution is to shut off twitter or stop social networks altogether because they may be providing ‘roads to hell’. Where there is a will there is a way – and this applies also to the ILL WILL of man.


The problem is less THAT the twitter messages were written – but rather WHY and HOW they were dealt with.

Was someone awaiting for the message so as to provide ‘reason’ for war?

Follow the money: Who or What benefits from such a war?

Why have some press releases received more attention than others without the whole thing being investigated properly?

And is history used to really actually learn something and avoid mistakes of the past?

Here it seems history was used to instil fear and paint the picture that would justify war.


War is always ‘wrong’ as it is mostly innocent people that pay with their lives.

People are not politics, especially in places where not even a vote from each man/woman is certain to be a ‘right’ given freely and generously.




Libya shows the need for a New World Order.

Yes – we need a REAL NEW world, and to have that we must find ways to put our world in order and make sure the war, the abuse, the deception, this fraud of a system is stopped once and for all.

The infamous NWO is already here – it is not new.

And it is no order; it is a disorder, a bipolar disorder that is skew: it keeps a few men at the top and the rest facing the ground; it knows no peace unless there’s war and no love unless there’s hate; it worships blood as it is based on bloodline and most folks unknowingly do the same, not realizing the fascist principle behind this.


This world order is old, as old as the first ‘kings’ and self-proclaimed ‘gods’ of ‘civilization’. We have built our kingdoms on the mental and they are crumbling down. They have to. Because here is the physical and we are facing the manifested consequences of our insanity, of our vanity, of our profanity and crimes against life IN THE NAME OF… whatever one ‘holds dear’.

And here lies the root of the problem with everything: it is in our value system, it is in what we learn we must ‘love’ and ‘hold dear’, which is in most cases only that which is ‘my own’, ‘my loved ones’, ‘my blood’ – the human being exists in self-interest.

For real change and an actual NEW WORLD that is in order and not in dis-order, what must change is our value-system. No more must we value ‘power’, ‘profit’, ‘possession’, ‘dominion’; but what is here to be realized, reflected in this atrocious bipolar world is Equality: because the value of Life is Life – and that is the ‘highest value’.


To do this, the whole socio-economic system must be changed, and this must be done globally, as with today’s technological advancement we have no excuse for ignoring even 1 human being. Earth is a global village and we can do the math.

The current money-system is a fraud, it is run by the bankers elite based on ‘money’ with no real worth other than what is prescribed to it in order to manipulate reality to the benefit of a few. Watch the documentary The Wizard of Oz for some history on how this came to be, albeit the whole story is a much ‘older’ one.


It is time to give ‘money’ the value of life and make sure every living being on this planet is able to have wealth and abundance and a dignified life;

time to take responsibility for our creation and what we have accepted and allowed to exist in this reality; time to transcend not only our ‘nature’ but equally also our ‘environment’ – making it friendly for ALL that is here.


It is time for mankind to make the step to its actual evolution:

From SELF-Interest to COMMON Interest.

From MY-Ground to COMMON Ground.

From EGO-Sense to COMMON Sense.

From ‘I Am’ to ‘I am Here’.

From ME to WE.


I breathe – therefore I am here.

I am here – therefore my responsibility is here.

I am here, breathing the same air like all living things, requiring certain conditions on this Earth to survive like all human beings do. In this we are all equal – and THAT is what must be taken into consideration if the human race is to stop its course of self-destruction and dignify itself.

Investigate Equal Money for All and let’s stand up to re-form our Home World to a place that is Best for All.

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